Watch Out .. Your Mental State Affects Your Weight
Do you know that weight gain is very much related to your mental state, where after a long and tired day you can rush without any thought of taking a large piece of candy during the break, although you were hoping to take a small piece of candy, but without Unknowingly, you were devouring them all.Because the stress-stimulating hormones and the effects of high-fat “comfort foods” and sugar are what drive you towards extravagance. Researchers have linked weight gain to stress. According to a survey by the American Psychological Association, one out of every four Americans has a stress level of 8 of 10 degrees.
Tension affects your choices:
Many studies, many of which have been conducted on animals, have shown that physical or emotional pain increases the intake of high-fat foods, sugar, or both. This combination of high levels of Cortisol and insulin is responsible for it. But other research suggests that ghrelin, called “the hunger hormone,” may play its part.
Once these fatty foods and sugar-filled foods are taken up, they will appear to neutralize and treat the activity of the brain area that generated the stress and other related sensations. So part of the craving for such stress-induced foods may be due to our desire to get rid of it, that is, tension.
It is natural to say that eating excessively is not the only stress-related behavior. People who are stressed are don’t sleep much and have little exercise, which all contribute to weight gain.
Healthy Steps :
So, if stress seems to affect your appetite aggressively and increase your waistline, the simple step you can take is to ban any fatty or sugary foods, and to remove them from the kitchen or refrigerator drawers. Keeping such foods will only cause more problems.
Although stress management has now become a profitable sector, we now offer you three proposals:
Meditation: Many studies have shown the role of meditation in relieving tension, although most have focused on blood pressure and heart disease. Meditation can also help you to be more aware of your food choices. Exercise in meditation leads to the possibility of preventing oneself from immediate rushing to eat fatty and sugary foods.
Exercise: Intensive exercise increases cortisol levels temporarily, but light exercise reduces them. Researchers from the University of California at the University of California, Calif., Reported results of the 2010 study that exercises – which were severe – could reduce some of the negative effects of stress. Some activities, such as yoga and Tai Chi, have elements of both sports and meditation.
Friends visits: Social support seems to provide a temporary impact on people who are experiencing stress. For example, researchers found that the mental health of people working in stressful work conditions such as emergency departments in hospitals get better when visiting friends. This applies to all others working in different working conditions.