With These Tips, Scour The Unpleasant Odors From Your Kitchen

The bad smells in the kitchen are one of the most troublesome problems that worries every woman. To get rid of these problems, we give you some important tips in the following lines:

– The food should be placed clean in the refrigerator such as vegetables and meat so as not to affect its smell.

– After you finish the work of the house, add lemon juice to your hands to remove the lingering effects as well as to soften them.

– To get rid of the smell of spices in the electric grinder, grind them with a little toast.

– Put out a piece of charcoal and a little coffee to absorb unwanted odors.

– Put a little ammonia to remove household insects from around the litter box and to overcome the smell of garbage.

– foods Must be covered as not to affect other foods and have its smell spread in the refrigerator.

– Use light-smelling flowers to embellish the dining table on occasions so that the smell of flowers does not overwhelm the smell of food And make sure that there are flowers and plants around the house to create a fragrant aroma.

– To reduce the smell of broccoli and cauliflower during boiling, add a piece of bread to boiling water.

– Put a piece of charcoal or a piece of potato in a small pot in the middle shelf of the refrigerator to get rid of the unpleasant smell.


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